Why Carlos? Maybe because we love the actor, maybe because we think he deserves to be more aknowledged, maybe for other reasons :-) ...

Anyway, if you want to know more about Carlos, this website is made for you!

Visit the gallery (more than 2000 pictures!), watch his public appearances, his interviews and some clips from various parts on video, find articles about him posted on the internet or published in the papers (and not only in the US!), read his biography and the latest news about him...you can even have a glance on our creations (ok, it's not an obligation :-p ) ... and if you like it, please leave your comments on the Guestbook (but only nice ones, you know that the others will be deleted anyway :-p ) ...more seriously, don't hesitate to contact us for any inquiries (one exception: the ones about the website's title LOL )...

Have a good visit, hope you ll like it! ;-)